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The Indian Risk - Italian Marines case

It is quite difficult to write the story of the two marine riflemen after 1000 days since the state has given them over to “hostile hands” without demanding their rights to be observed. Years have passed since they were brought into custody in India through passive extradition, although no evidence has as yet been put forward proving their guilt.Meanwhile press sources account that an extradition of prisoners is becoming a real possibility for the marines.  Negotiations behind the scenes are to bring to a conclusion of the whole affair through a direct link between Palazzo Chigi and the Office of the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.  Italy,  could in fact, in the exchange for Massimo Latorre and Salvatore Girone, hand over to Dehli, eighteen Indian sailors  who have been caught in possession of 40 tons of narcotics on board ship while sailing in Italian territorial waters.

Internationalization is being dropped for arbitration, though it has been blown to the four winds by the ministers responsible in the handling of the entire  affair as being”technically”open to make room for secret bilateral diplomacy,  which, however, has nothing of diplomatic in iteself,  if negotiations are to be moving towards an exchange of prisoners in accordance with a bilateral agreement signed between India and Italy in August 2012. A way that would help Modi to move out of the deadlock and earn himself credibility on the international scene, but for Italy,  at the same time and once more, it will prove to be just another ‘fake’ victory.

The “Pyrrhic victory” after that tragic March 22, 2013 when the two marine riflemen were handed over back to India and given the fact that in order to solve the problem, the state was ready to accept pragmatic solutions, soemthing which would not have honoured our armed forces; since the two Italian soldiers would be put at the same level as 18 drug dealers that have been arrested upon fragrant crime on board a vessel carrying 40 tons of narcotics sailing around Italian territorial sea waters.

Rome is continually doing its utmost in not arousing susceptibility of the Indian government  which instead,  has offended our sovereignty by adopting unfair judgement on two of our soldiers without even producing circumstantial evidence on the accusations, moreover, transgressing all human rights in restricting their  personal freedom.  An awkwardness on the part of Italy, difficult to  to understand,  especially now when the president of the Council has also been appointed as President of the European Union, and considering the recent appointment of our  new Foreign Minister who will also be in charge of European foreign policy.
On the other hand, Modi, despite optimistic expectations on the part of Italy, has made it clear that India does not intend giving up its sovereignty. In fact, the case of the two marine riflemen has been handed over to the National Security Advisor, former head of the Indian intelligence, Rajiv Doval.  Not even were they to be terrorists who attacked the security of Delhi.

Translation provided by Marina Stronati

by Fernando Termentini - november 6, 2014


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